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Century Precision Optics 6mm T1.9

The Century Optics 6mm T1.9 is a super-wide, fast prime lens made to cover Super-16 film and S16mm cropped sensors. When the custom made wide-angle adapter is attached the lens becomes a 4.5mm T1.9, one of the widest lenses ever made for this format. This is a rectilinear lens, not a fisheye, so you have an incredibly wide field of view but straight lines stay relatively straight, with slight barrel distortion.

This lens is at home on film cameras, but can work fine with digital cameras too. If you need to go really wide, and need a relatively fast lens, this is a great option.

PL Mount
Focal length – 6mm
Maximum Aperture F-No. – 6mm – 1 : 1.9
Minimum Focus – 1′
Weight – 2.2 lbs

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